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The Share Of PSU IREDA Has Tripled In Value In Just 10 Days, Time To Book Profit Or Buy More?

The Share Of PSU IREDA Has Tripled In Value In Just 10 Days, Time To Book Profit Or Buy More?


Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) shares continued their strong upward move for the third straight session on Tuesday, breaching the 100-mark in early trade. The stock soared 20% to hit its lifetime high of ₹102.02. At this price, the scrip has gained 218% in just three days. The stock made a remarkable stock market debut on November 29, listing with a premium of over 56% against the issue price of ₹32. The IPO was the first public issue by a public sector enterprise after LIC in May last year. BTTV’s Shailendra Bhatnagar and Sakshi Batra spoke to Dharmesh Kant, Head of Equity Research, Cholamandalam Securities about the levels the red-hot stock can hit in the next few days.
