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Should Management Principles Be Accepted As Universal Truths?

Should Management Principles Be Accepted As Universal Truths?


Consider the following statements: It’s lonely at the top. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Fail fast, fail cheap. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. People leave people, not organizations. How often have you heard people use these to make a point? Management at all levels is inundated with advice from professional consultants, luminaries and gurus. But do these management truisms hold everywhere? Or are they myths that need to be examined for relevance in today’s rapidly changing world? In Busted, Ashok Soota and Peter de Jager focus on seventeen commonly accepted management principles and analyse why these should not be accepted as universal truths. Backed by their experience in building and scaling businesses; consulting with organizations across sectors, cultures and continents; real-life examples; and first-person interviews with industry leaders and practitioners, Busted takes into account the changed realities of the workplace and gives you a balanced view of what makes the world of management tick. Here’s an interview with the author Ashook Soota, the founding chairman of Happiest Minds Technologies and the founding chairman of MindTree, on a book that challenges, tickles and pokes at accepted, seemingly unassailable management myths and inspires you to question, test and validate all advice, regardless of the source.
