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Roads & Highways Projects In India Are Not Facing Any Funding Issues: Nitin Gadkari

Roads & Highways Projects In India Are Not Facing Any Funding Issues: Nitin Gadkari


Nitin Gadkari, India's Minister of Road Transport & Highways, believes that India has all the resources it needs and isn't facing any funding issues. He further added that banks are ready to lend money for the projects, if fact NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) has already arranged the funding by constantly monetising. "We are earning about Rs 40,000 crores on about Rs 5 lakh crores worth of roads we make via tolls. I aim to take this up to Rs 1 lakh crore in two years", the minister said. "In fact, we are giving higher interest to investors on our innovative products like InVTs of 8.5 percent compared to banks", he added, while speaking to Rahul Kanwal, News Director, India Today Group at the BT Banking Summit.
