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Rajiv Jain's GQG Made A Killing By Investing In Adani, But Where Else Has It Invested In India

Rajiv Jain's GQG Made A Killing By Investing In Adani, But Where Else Has It Invested In India


GQG Partners gained fame in India in March 2023 when it ploughed in $1.9 billion into Adani stocks which had been hammered to multi-year lows in the aftermath of Hindenberg disclosures. The investments came at a time when very few would touch the stocks. But, GQG’s strategy paid off and the value of these investments have risen multi-fold in just a few months. But, it’s not just the Adani group where GQG has invested in India. Here’s a report on the other stocks where the Rajiv Jain-owned GQG Partners has put its money.
