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One of India’s Top Economic Minds, Neelkanth Mishra On The ‘India Growth Engine’

One of India’s Top Economic Minds, Neelkanth Mishra On The ‘India Growth Engine’

The Indian economy seems to be on strong footing with the latest inflation and industrial production data suggesting consumers will get some relief as prices fall and growth continues. This at a time when the International Monetary Fund has said the Israel-Hamas war could spur inflation and hamper global growth if it turns into a wider conflict and leads to an oil price spiral. So how is the economic landscape looking like and what are the key risks that we need to mindful of? Business Today TV’s Managing Editor Siddharth Zarabi Spoke to one of India’s top economic minds Neelkanth Mishra, the chief economist at Axis Bank and part-time member of the EAC-PM and chairperson of the UIDAI.
