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Narayana Murthy Deepfake Video Goes Viral: Promises You Market Returns Of ₹2.50 Lakh/Day

Narayana Murthy Deepfake Video Goes Viral: Promises You Market Returns Of ₹2.50 Lakh/Day


A new deepfake video of Infosys founder Narayana Murthy is doing the rounds on Facebook. The video uses a conversation held during Business Today’s Mindrush event where the business tycoon shared his insights on the Indian economy. However, the year-old video has been morphed into a deepfake where Murthy is seen promoting an AI Quantum project that promises a lot of money on the very first day of joining. In the deepfake video, Murthy is seen discussing the benefits of the quantum computing software developed by his team. The same tech, the deepfake video claims that can help stock market investors earn money. The video claims the user of this new tech will be able to earn $3000 (Roughly Rs 2.50 lakh) on the first day. The deepfake video has been shared on Facebook and this particular link has also been flagged as false. The original video was shot a year ago at the BT Mindrush event where Narayana Murthy spoke about Indian entrepreneurs. The deepfake video tries to evade the watermarks and other identifiers in the video by cutting a close crop of Narayana Murthy. The video also has noticeable discrepancies in the movement of his mouth, which is one of the strongest indicators of deepfake videos.
