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For Madhav Sheth, CEO of HTech, business trips are also a way to convert work into leisure

For Madhav Sheth, CEO of HTech, business trips are also a way to convert work into leisure

Madhav Sheth, CEO of smartphone maker HTech, often goes on business trips. But he makes it a point to travel for leisure as the demands of work are balanced by the rejuvenation it offers

Madhav Sheth, CEO of smartphone maker HTech, often goes on business trips. But he makes it a point to travel for leisure as the demands of work are balanced by the rejuvenation it offers Madhav Sheth, CEO of smartphone maker HTech, often goes on business trips. But he makes it a point to travel for leisure as the demands of work are balanced by the rejuvenation it offers

Having travelled to different parts of the world, Europe holds a special place in HTech CEO Madhav Sheth’s heart. The continent’s rich cultural diversity, seamlessly blending modern and ethnic elements, along with its breathtaking landscapes, captivate him every time. More specifically, the jet-setting executive of the company that is planning to revive Honor smarphones in India, is enamoured by the beauty of countries like Spain. “Whether it’s exploring historic cities, or simply soaking in the stunning landscapes, the country offers an all-round travel experience that perfectly satisfies my love for adventure and cultural exploration.” Even Spain’s festivals are a fascinating draw for him. “The exuberant La Tomatina, where streets turn into a tomato playground; the heart-pounding Running of the Bulls in Pamplona; and the enchanting Feria de Abril in Seville, with its flamenco and parades, all promise unforgettable experiences. These festivals are a testament to Spain’s vibrant spirit.”

But it is not just Spain that he is fond of. Other European locales are just as delightful, he says. “I find Milan and Paris enchanting. While exploring Milan, I always like its trendy fashion scene, the stunning Duomo di Milano and the artistic wonders at the Pinacoteca di Brera gallery. On the other hand, Paris invites me with the timeless beauty of the Eiffel Tower, relaxing walks along the Seine River, and the magnificent cultural experiences of the Louvre. Both cities seamlessly blend history and modern life, creating a captivating atmosphere.” Whether Sheth is enjoying Milan’s sophistication, or strolling through Paris, his choices perfectly combine art, culture, and the simple joy of living.

Sheth also loves to delve into culinary wonders, particularly relishing street food and local cuisine. For him, tasting these foods isn’t just enjoyable, it also lets him understand the people and their way of life. When Sheth had set out on a gastronomic journey through Spain, he encountered a delightful assortment of vegetarian dishes that perfectly aligned with his tastes. “From the rich and aromatic Tomate aliñado to the flavours of chilled gazpacho, each culinary creation feels like an immersive cultural experience on a plate. Another culinary gem that has stood out for me is croquetas; small, fried rolls filled with various delectable ingredients. In Spain, they fill these with blue cheese, mushrooms, Roquefort cheese, walnuts, or spinach, paired with pine nuts. They make for exceptional ‘tapas.’”

Be it exploring the city, its culture or its food, travelling is a powerful tool to enhance his overall well-being. “It not only provides me with a break from monotonous thinking, but also brings in fresh inspiration. The change in the environment and exposure to new cultures stimulates my creativity and encourages innovative thinking. It also provides me with a chance to clear my mind by stepping away from the usual stress of life, giving me a refreshed outlook when I come back.”



Published on: Nov 08, 2023, 4:19 PM IST
Posted by: Arnav Das Sharma, Nov 08, 2023, 4:15 PM IST