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Business Today Leaders

Dec 24, 2023
Deep Dive MPW 2023: India's male dominated C-Suite needs to become more inclusive, and fast

MPW 2023: India's male dominated C-Suite needs to become more inclusive, and fast

When India Inc.'s male-dominated c-suit lacks visible role models for the women workforce of a majority of organisations in India, heralding a change at the bottom becomes harder. This needs to change, and fast

MPW 2023: Here’s how women have shifted the narrative in the entertainment sector

Women in India's entertainment sector believe that the industry has come a long way in terms of having more women in the workforce, but there's still a gulf in terms of equality, especially in leadership roles

MPW 2023: Here’s what inheritance laws say about women's assets when they die without a will

Laws governing inheritance of women's assets when they pass away without a will are filled with arcane assumptions, often relying on biases that have not kept pace with the changes in Indian society

MPW 2023: Women’s representation in tech still lags even as newer technologies pose fresh challenges

The gender gap is nothing new for women in tech, but emerging technologies are posing new challenges, like algorithmic biases and cybersecurity attacks aided by artificial intelligence. This calls for urgent action
BT500: India's Most Valuable Companies MPW 2023: How Devika Bulchandani is crafting Ogilvy’s global success

MPW 2023: How Devika Bulchandani is crafting Ogilvy’s global success

Brushing aside the fact that she’s a woman leader, Devika Bulchandani is busy crafting the stories of the various brands working with Ogilvy
Columns The role of women’s leadership in India’s progress: Swati Piramal

The role of women’s leadership in India’s progress: Swati Piramal

Regulations have helped foster an environment where diversity is ingrained in corporate culture

Here’s how you can empower women in India Inc.’s boardrooms: Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Women in leadership roles can enable unprecedented economic growth and sustainable development
Editor's Note BT Most Powerful Women in Business: A glittering line-up of women making it big in the corporate world

BT Most Powerful Women in Business: A glittering line-up of women making it big in the corporate world

From the financial sector to manufacturing, entertainment and the pharma sector, women leaders are showing the way, proving to be role models not just for other women, but also men.