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12,000% returns YTD ! Is Dogecoin a bubble?

12,000% returns YTD ! Is Dogecoin a bubble?

The memecoin has surged over 12,000 per cent year to date to the price of US $ 0.61. Dogecoin has gained 50 per cent in last two days ahead of Elon Musk's upcoming appearance on 'Saturday Night Live', a live American comedy show. Should the fun coin be considered as a serious investment?  "Dogecoin is driven solely by the interest of investors who keep driving the prices up. Eventually, they are going to see that they have made so much profit and they will take it out. Nobody wants to keep their money forever in Dogecoin. Treat it as a fun little side game," says Vikram Rangala CMO, ZebPay. He says, Dogecoin is a bubble. Serious crypto investors should go for bitcoin and ethereum.

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